We've found a location!
Thank you, thank you... no really, the applause is not necessary. Oh shucks, well if you must... yes, you can have my autograph *blush*
(Can you tell I've spent way too many hours moderating an online forum full of teenagers? Geez.)
But back on track, we have indeed found a location for our wedding/reception: the Walper Terrace Hotel in downtown Kitchener. Are you shocked that it's "fancy" and in "Kitchener?" I know, so were we! Not exactly what we'd had in mind when we first started looking, but I called them up on a whim and when we went to see it, everything just fell into place! Plus, it's super close to Victoria Park so if the weather gods heed my prayers, we'll be having the ceremony outdoors in the park gazebo.
I'm super excited! Jeff seems to be, too, but maybe he'll post his own version of the story or at least a comment (nudge, nudge) ;)
Here's a good shot of the bridge leading up to the gazebo.

There are plenty more pictures of both the park and the Walper in my photo album if you want to check them out!