Dress shopping & house hunting
On Saturday, my mom drove up from Oakville to go dress shopping with me at Taylor's Bridal in Elmira. It was a good day and I ended up finding a great dress for 50% off, so that's one more item ticked off my list.
A bit anticlimatic? Yes. I think this is a classic case of me being the kind of person that likes options not decisions. Other girls would be ecstatic that they'd found "the dress" and didn't have to search anymore. Me, I'm happy I found a beautiful dress, but I'm going to miss daydreaming about my options :p
Afterwards, being the real estate philes that we are, we toured around KW looking for open houses and checking out different listings. My mom's new idea is that Jeff and I should buy a house, elope, and throw a party at our "new place" afterwards.
Although she thinks we should buy this house. A real fixer-upper, how handy are you Jeff?!
A bit anticlimatic? Yes. I think this is a classic case of me being the kind of person that likes options not decisions. Other girls would be ecstatic that they'd found "the dress" and didn't have to search anymore. Me, I'm happy I found a beautiful dress, but I'm going to miss daydreaming about my options :p
Afterwards, being the real estate philes that we are, we toured around KW looking for open houses and checking out different listings. My mom's new idea is that Jeff and I should buy a house, elope, and throw a party at our "new place" afterwards.
Although she thinks we should buy this house. A real fixer-upper, how handy are you Jeff?!
Congratulations on the dress! Can't wait to see it! :)
Anonymous, at 11:04 a.m.
Thanks Becky! I'm looking forward to wearing it -- it feels so weird buying something and then leaving it at the store for a year, lol. I think I'll have to go back and "visit my dress" -- they did say I could :p
Jen, at 4:22 p.m.
AGHH! I don't know if i could buy the dress and not have it in my hands.... I would want to put it on every now and then, because if you do it before the wedding, you're 'just making sure it still fits' whereas after the wedding - you're just weird! ;)
I think we should go 'visit' the dress sometime - it might be lonely and missing you! :)
Anonymous, at 1:58 p.m.
You know I was doing a little dusting the other day (keyword being "little") and I thought, "Too bad I don't have my dress at home, I could have put it on!" ... wtf!??
Is that from a movie or something? Why on earth does dusting always make me think of putting on my dress, lol.
Jen, at 6:25 p.m.
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