It begins...
I've started to catch myself doing something I promised I wouldn't: accessorize.
That's not the right word, but it's the closest I can come to describing the feeling. Basically, it's an urge to add extraneous items, frills you could say, to the wedding.
For example, "save-the-date" cards. I had no intention of sending save-the-date cards until I saw a discussion on sending save-the-date magnets.
Oddly, Jeff nodded in agreement and started adding to the idea, but thankfully kiboshed my suggestion to head directly to the nearest Staples to pick up supplies.
Next, while in the shower, thoughts of "program cards" for the ceremony started swirling in my head. Once I would have thought, "What are program cards? Meh... I don't need those." Then somewhere between lather, rinse, repeat the frill-pusher in my head started whispering, "but you do need program cards... How else will everyone know the name of the Pastor, or what reading is being read?" So I paused a moment to consider...
And that's when it hit me, "Oh God! It's begun!" All those little things we don't need, haven't budgeted for, and really won't miss if they're gone are starting to sound like great ideas! The dreaded urge to accessorize has begun.
That's not the right word, but it's the closest I can come to describing the feeling. Basically, it's an urge to add extraneous items, frills you could say, to the wedding.
For example, "save-the-date" cards. I had no intention of sending save-the-date cards until I saw a discussion on sending save-the-date magnets.
"Cool!" I thought. "We could even design and print them ourselves. We just need to find someone with an ink jet printer..."
Oddly, Jeff nodded in agreement and started adding to the idea, but thankfully kiboshed my suggestion to head directly to the nearest Staples to pick up supplies.
Next, while in the shower, thoughts of "program cards" for the ceremony started swirling in my head. Once I would have thought, "What are program cards? Meh... I don't need those." Then somewhere between lather, rinse, repeat the frill-pusher in my head started whispering, "but you do need program cards... How else will everyone know the name of the Pastor, or what reading is being read?" So I paused a moment to consider...
And that's when it hit me, "Oh God! It's begun!" All those little things we don't need, haven't budgeted for, and really won't miss if they're gone are starting to sound like great ideas! The dreaded urge to accessorize has begun.
Willpower and one heck of a strict budget should hopefully keep me in check. Thankfully I've always been a terrible shopper, and for once that might come in handy!
Jen, at 11:47 a.m.
Frills are fun! But also expensive! Its so easy to get caught up in them though... I know I would be doing the same thing with much less restraint
Jodi, at 10:14 p.m.
I have to wish you tons of luck with the wedding planning... Just finished mine (got married in May) i completely understand!
Unknown, at 1:04 p.m.
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